
Former American Officials slam GD Chair's Ukraine comments

13 თებ 202314:09
3 წუთის საკითხავი

Several prominent former American diplomats have publicly criticized the GD Chair, Irakli Kobakhidze, over his recent comments on the course of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Mr. Kobakhidze has recently said that Russia currently has an edge and “that is a fact,” which in turn, according to him, has led to intensified efforts of “dragging Georgia into a war with Russia.” "Who has the advantage today, that is what matters," he said.

Western conspiracy, involving both the US and the EU to “open a second front” in Georgia has been the hallmark of Georgian Dream’s posturing since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started nearly a year ago.

In an interview with the Voice of America’s Georgian Service, David J. Kramer, former US Assistant Secretary of State and current Executive Director of the George W. Bush Institute, called Mr Kobakhidze’s statement "disgraceful" and said the Chairman of Georgia’s ruling party leaves an impression of wishing for Russia's victory.

John Herbst, a Senior Director at Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council of the United States and the former US Ambassador to Ukraine also voiced concern on why would a politician from a Russian-occupied country make comments about Moscow's advantage and discuss the idea of a “global war party” wishing Georgia to be dragged into war.

Daniel Fried, a top US veteran diplomat now also at the Atlantic Council recalled the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 when he was an Assistant Secretary of State and that both the US and also Ukraine stood side by side with Georgia in that critical moment.

"Does Irakli Kobakhidze think that we made a mistake then? Because now it seems that he is against our support for Ukraine," Ambassador friend said.

All of the former diplomats rebuffed the conspiracy theory actively pushed by the Georgian Dream and its satellites that the US wishes to see Georgia involved in the war.

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