
Georgian Public Broadcaster journalist speaks of pro-Russia censorship

28 მარ 202217:15
3 წუთის საკითხავი

Imeda Darsalia, host of the Georgian Public Broadcaster’s flagship Sunday analytical bulletin New Week said he was dismissed from work due to pro-Russian censorship of the broadcaster’s management.

At a press conference held in the office of Transparency International- Georgia, Darsalia said he was dismissed following a critical report on openly Russia-linked extremist group Alt-Info, recently transformed into a political party.

Darsalia claimed he was explicitly warned not to present Russia in bad light by the senior management.

He also claimed the broadcaster’s management maintains a “black list” of pro-western pundits banned from air.

Darsalia further claimed that at one occasion a report on war crimes committed by the Soviet Union in WWII was blocked, triggering a conflict within the broadcaster’s staff.

On another occasion, he continued, a report on protest rallies in Belarus was removed from the air as the broadcaster’s management was explicitly against airing anything critical of Lukashenko, “which is a disaster,” Darsalia said.

Representing Darsalia’s legal interests, Transparency International – Georgia has appealed to the Public Defender to establish the fact of discrimination and “interference into journalistic work.”

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