
US Embassy slams Gov’t over ‘particularly troubling steps’ to ‘undermine Gov’t accountability and judiciary’

04 იან 202214:39
3 წუთის საკითხავი

In a statement marking upping of criticism of the Georgian Government’s recent steps, the US Embassy slammed Georgian Dream’s decisions to abolish the State Inspector’s Service and to appoint yet another new judge in the Supreme Court.

The decision to scrap the State Inspector’s Office, which the Embassy said “undermined government accountability” was rushed through the parliament despite repeated starkly worded US embassy statements as well as public backing Ambassador Kelly Degnan extended to the Inspector Londa Toloraia. That Toloraia learnt of the decision to pass the amendments in an expedited fashion while on maternity leave sparked additional uproar in the Georgian society.

Toloraia said the decision was punishment for the agency’s “independent” decisions against other state institutions.

The amendments’ passing at parliament’s extraordinary session last week mark yet another demonstrative disregard of Ambassador Degnan’s efforts by Georgian Dream.

US Embassy statement spared no words: “No credible reasons were provided to the public for why these actions needed to be rushed through without appropriate consultations,” it said.

The appointment of one more new Supreme Court justice comes in the face of number of US and EU statements declaring their selection process “flawed” and lacking transparency.

Halting of the appointment of judges until transparent and competitive procedures were adopted through “inclusive consultations” was a key commitment of the April 19 Agreement between Government and opposition.

That the push with the appointment of judges comes against the background of Georgian Dream already completely controlling Georgian judicial system marks public disregard of US position previously unheard of in Georgian-US relations.

“Whether intended or not, the ruling party sent the message that independent oversight of the government or dissenting voices, even when prescribed by law, will be answered with retaliation, discipline, and dismissal,” the statement concluded.

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