The Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA) has raised concerns over alleged collaboration between Georgian Dream-linked thug groups and law enforcement agencies in violently suppressing protests. The watchdog issued a statement following an incident today, accusing police officers of neglecting their duties.
"Even though law enforcement officers were very close to the incident, they did not react. The inaction of law enforcement officers is not only a manifestation of official negligence on the part of the police officers, but also raises suspicions that law enforcement agencies and the so-called 'titushki' [GD-linked thug groups] are acting together to violently suppress legitimate protests," GYLA stated.
The incident involved Mindia Gabadze, a reporter for the Tbilisi-based news outlet Publika, who was attacked by plainclothes thugs allegedly connected to the regime. Gabadze was covering a protest by artists when he was assaulted near police officers. Despite repeated calls from his colleagues urging the police to intervene and detain the attackers, the officers reportedly ignored the pleas, refusing to exit their vehicle.
As a result, the assailants left the scene unimpeded, leaving Gabadze with facial injuries. The lack of police action has prompted widespread criticism and further fueled concerns about the impartiality of law enforcement in Georgia.
The incident is the latest in a series of events raising questions about the state’s role in enabling violence against journalists and protesters.