
Irakli Garibashvili: We’ve had Impressive Results Within the Framework of a Successful Foreign Policy

09 აგვ 202119:38
3 წუთის საკითხავი

Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili argues that under the Georgian Dream government, Georgia has had a successful foreign policy for the past eight years, which has yielded impressive results.

At the presentation of the 10-year plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Garibashvili said that the Association Agreement with the European Union is the most outstanding result. The Prime Minister also stressed the achievement of visa-free travel with the EU.

"I still remember my first days as the Interior Minister, when then-Commissioner Cecilia Malmström handed me the Visa Liberalization Action Plan. By that time 70% of the job had to be done by my ministry.

Then, already in the capacity of the Prime Minister, together with you, dear colleagues, we have succeeded in fulfilling our commitments, and by the end of 2015 we received the final confirmation and green light from the EU that Georgian citizens would travel to the EU without a visa. That has very soon been realized in practice and this is an important success for our country and our citizens. It means that the EU trusts us," - Gharibashvili said.

According to him, there are tangible results with regard to NATO.

Within the framework of the 10-year Foreign Policy Plan, he named Georgia's membership in the North Atlantic Alliance as the main goal.

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