
Western reactions, watchdogs slam Gvaramia’s arrest as ‘political’

19 მაი 202218:43
3 წუთის საკითხავი

The arrest of Nika Gvaramia, CEO of opposition Mtavari TV has triggered strong international condemnation, calling into question Georgia’s commitment to its European and Euro-Atlantic path.

Amnesty International, an international human rights watchdog said “Sentencing of pro-opposition media owner Nika Gvaramia is a political motivated silencing of dissenting voice”.

“The sentencing of Nika Gvaramia is a blatant act of politically motivated prosecution in retaliation of his dissenting views and criticism of the authorities. He now faces years behind bars as the government ramps up efforts to silence dissenting voices. Nika Gvaramia must be immediately released,” Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia said.

“Amnesty International is deeply concerned by the political motivation behind this case, which was designed to stifle freedom of expression. The organization is concerned that the criminal threshold was not met, as has been confirmed by Transparency International and the Georgian Ombudsperson who monitored the trial. As this case proceeds to appeal these issues must be addressed,“ she added.

US Senator Jim Risch, ranking member of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee and its former Chair said charges against Gvaramia were “politically motivated” and that “Silencing political opposition will send Georgia in a very troubling direction.”

In a harshly-worded statement, the US Embassy said the arrest “calls into question Georgia’s commitment to the rule of law.”

“Today’s ruling, in the cases of Gvaramia, Iashvili, and Damenia, calls into question Georgia’s commitment to rule of law, and further demonstrates the fundamental importance of having an independent, impartial judiciary in Georgia. From its inception, this case has raised questions, including about the timing and the charges. The disturbing pattern of selective investigations and prosecutions targeting those in opposition to the current government undermines the public’s confidence in the police, prosecution, the courts, and the government itself. Particularly at this time, when Georgia has an unprecedented opportunity to advance its Euro-Atlantic integration, even the perception of politicized prosecution is detrimental,” The US Embassy said in a statement.

Nine key members of the European Parliament issued a joint statement slamming Gvaramia’s arrest, including twice Lithuanian PM Andrius Kubilius issued a joint statement in which they slammed Gvaramia’s arrest, calling it “ungrounded,” jeopardizing Georgia’s European choice.

The statement was co-signed by Andrius Kubilius (EPP), Anna Fotyga (ECR), Marketa Gregorová (Greens), Michael Gahler (EPP), Petras Auštrevičius (Renew), Rasa Juknevičienė (EPP) Raphaël Glucksmann (S&D), Sven Mikser (S&D), Viola by Cramon (Greens/EFA).

“This decision seriously endangers Georgia's European future which demands commitments to democratic values, among others to freedom of media and the rule of law.

Unfortunately, the questionable decision of the court resonates with the widespread general pattern of persecution, intimidation, and physical attacks against the representatives of critical media. Many of us have once already spoken out against the unethical attack on Mr. Gvaramia when a high-ranked official of the Georgian Government publicized Mr. Gvaramia's private data from the Parliament's podium. Back then, our justified concerns were met with “whataboutery” arguments by the representatives of the ruling party.

The Georgian court's ungrounded decision is a result of the long-overdue judicial reform, an obligation taken by the Georgian Government through the April 19 agreement, but never delivered. Selective justice and further deterioration of democratic institutions irreparably harm Georgia's reputation and jeopardizes its European choice to become a candidate and eventually a member of the European Union. This is in stark contrast with what the people of Georgia want and deserve,” the statement read.

Transparency International - Georgia issued a detailed statement and a legal opinion on the case in which it called Gvaramia’s prosecution and arrest “politically motivated” “aiming to punish Nika Gvaramia and disrupt the activities of a critical media outlet.”

The use of the justice system for media censorship and intimidation sends a clear message to other critical media outlets as well. This verdict is a continuation of the political persecution that has been waged against Government’s opponents for years.

Recent criminal cases launched against the founders or family members of critical media outlets, the failure to prosecute the organizers of the July 5, 2021 violence, the increasing number of cases of physical retaliation against journalists, and other ineffective investigations have shown that critical media activities have become dangerous,” the statement said.

Carl Hartzell, EU Ambassador to Georgia was more diplomatically-worded. Ambassador Harzell stressed questions raised on the case by the Public Defender in her amicus curae of 4 November 2019. “This verdict comes against the backdrop of repeated calls by the EU to reform the judiciary, in order to instill trust and increase its independence - a longstanding commitment by the Georgian authorities, as part of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement. The EU will also be following this from the angle of media pluralism in Georgia," said Ambassador Hartzell.

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